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RE^ATHETA was founded in 2017 after its members spent time researching and learning together during an Ensemble Theatre MA at Rose Bruford College, London, in 2014-15, in a program in conjunction with Song of the Goat Theatre. After the MA, we were split up across many different countries. Despite this, we wanted to continue our artistic dialogue, research, and feedback in our practices, and so we formed RE^ATHETA and started the tradition of biannual symposiums held in different countries in the world. These symposiums serve as a way for us to share our research and embodied practices among ourselves, reflect and discuss critically, delve into new research together, and also to provide a platform for us to create points of entry into our work for others- by offering open workshops, trainings, and presentations.

Beyond our biannual symposiums in which we gather together, we have also connected in various ways to research and create- we have started theatre companies, embarked upon research and creation in various residencies, and led other trainings and workshops.

Each member of RE^ATHETA has a different artistic background and area of expertise within the realm of theatre practice. Our research draws upon many different practices, including physical ensemble training, Feldenkrais, polyphonic singing and songs of tradition, therapeutic artistic practices, nature embodied practices, and others.


We are professional performers, community artists, directors, teachers, and embodied practitioners, and through our time together training with Song of the Goat Theatre and engaging in practice-as-research, we developed a common working language and mutual trust. We find great value in our differences, and we are united in our continuous pursuit of touching upon the essential qualities of human nature and experience, and of life-long learning.

In August 2019, after a period of intensive research and development, we led a 2-day workshop with performers in Barcelona, incorporating various exercises and embodied practices focused on understanding the relationship with oneself, between the self and the other, and between self and the group.

In 2021, after the COVID related cancellation of our Denmark symposium, we hosted a virtual symposium taking place over Zoom, which was attended by other theatre artists from our Rose Bruford cohort.

Photos: Patricia Bonet



© 2023 by Julie Becker.

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